作者:管理員 發布于:2017-05-12
1. For automatic iron unloading machine, when starting, do not stand in front of it, so as not to bring iron to hurt people.
2, the operation should pay attention to whether it is running smoothly, whether there is abnormal noise and its iron removal, and pay attention to unloading iron tape shall not be deviation, split. During the operation of the coal conveyer belt, the iron separator is usually stopped.
3, in operation, pay close attention to the temperature of the magnet and fan operation, when more than 100 degrees Celsius, must stop inspection.
4, disc type iron removing machine iron unloading operation method: press the power distribution cabinet on the forward or backward button, driving electromagnet to the proper position, press the stop button to block excitation, all the iron unloading net after back to its original position, open the excitation.
5, after the transport of coal belt parking, the iron will be lifted out of all, and then stop the iron machine. During the period of stopping the iron machine, the running parts should be inspected for lack of oil, and should be maintained and maintained in time.